參考 cp, cmp 與 erase command之source code
int do_fhtest(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
ulong addr = 0x100e0000, dest = 0x4000000, len = 0x8, size = 2;
ulong count = len;
flash_sect_erase(0x100e0000, 0x100fffff);
// write to flash
int rc = flash_write(0x3000000, 0x100e0000, count*size);
//flash to mem
//ulong addr = 0x100e0000, dest = 0x4000000, count = 0x10, size = 2;
count = len;
while (count-- > 0)
if (size == 4)
*((ulong *)dest) = *((ulong *)addr);
else if (size == 2)
*((ushort *)dest) = *((ushort *)addr);
*((u_char *)dest) = *((u_char *)addr);
addr += size;
dest += size;
ulong addr1=0x3000000, addr2=0x4000000;
//ulong addr1=0x100e0000, addr2=0x4000000;
count = len;
while (count-- > 0)
if (size == 4)
ulong word1 = *(ulong *)addr1;
ulong word2 = *(ulong *)addr2;
if (word1 != word2)
printf("word at 0x%08lx (0x%08lx) "
"!= word at 0x%08lx (0x%08lx)\n",
addr1, word1, addr2, word2);
return 0;
else if (size == 2)
ushort hword1 = *(ushort *)addr1;
ushort hword2 = *(ushort *)addr2;
if (hword1 != hword2)
printf("halfword at 0x%08lx (0x%04x) "
"!= halfword at 0x%08lx (0x%04x)\n",
addr1, hword1, addr2, hword2);
return 0;
addr1 += size;
addr2 += size;
return 0;
untest, 4, 1, do_fhtest,
"flashtest \n",
"flashtest \n"
I²C (Inter Integrated Circuit)
I²C 常見應用:
I²C 匯流排定義:
所有的 device 都接在一起,使用相同的訊號線連接(SCL、SDA),在 I2C 發起交易的 device 為 『Master』,他會跟所定址到的 『slave』 進行通訊。I2c support multi-master,但是一般實做上只會有一個。
每個 I²C 元件都擁有一個獨一無二的 7-bit I²C 位址,讓主控端知道通訊傳輸的對象是誰,通常 7-bit 中四個較重要的位元 (MSB) 為固定的,並依元件本身性質的分類區分,如 1010 即代表串列 EEPROM,而其他三個較不重要的位元 (LSB),即 A2、A1 與 A0 則可以透過硬體電子接腳設定,並取得高達 8 個不同的 I²C 位址組合,因此在同一個 I²C 匯流排上可以有 8 個相同形式的元件運作,這些接腳固定在 VCC 高電壓代表邏輯 1,固定在接地低電壓則代表邏輯 0,7-bit 的定址方式可以帶來匯流排上 128 個元件的組合,但由於部份位址設定保留給特殊指令應用,因此實際上最高元件數大約為 120 個。
I²C 匯流排說明:
Start: SDA訊號由高準位轉低準位並且SCL為高準位時。
Address: 一般都由7或10位元組成,其狀態之後還會標示其位址是寫入或是讀取。
Read/Write Bit (R/W): 由一個位元組成,用來表示此筆資料是讀取或是寫入。
Acknowledge Bit (ACK): 由一個位元組成,用來表示這筆資料是否已經獲得傳送的回應。
Data: 表示這筆訊號中的資料表示,可知道是寫入或是讀取的狀態。
Stop: SDA由低轉高且SCL為高準位時。
I²C 匯流排術語:
I²C 匯流排定義:
所有的 device 都接在一起,使用相同的訊號線連接(SCL、SDA),在 I2C 發起交易的 device 為 『Master』,他會跟所定址到的 『slave』 進行通訊。I2c support multi-master,但是一般實做上只會有一個。
每個 I²C 元件都擁有一個獨一無二的 7-bit I²C 位址,讓主控端知道通訊傳輸的對象是誰,通常 7-bit 中四個較重要的位元 (MSB) 為固定的,並依元件本身性質的分類區分,如 1010 即代表串列 EEPROM,而其他三個較不重要的位元 (LSB),即 A2、A1 與 A0 則可以透過硬體電子接腳設定,並取得高達 8 個不同的 I²C 位址組合,因此在同一個 I²C 匯流排上可以有 8 個相同形式的元件運作,這些接腳固定在 VCC 高電壓代表邏輯 1,固定在接地低電壓則代表邏輯 0,7-bit 的定址方式可以帶來匯流排上 128 個元件的組合,但由於部份位址設定保留給特殊指令應用,因此實際上最高元件數大約為 120 個。
- SCL (serial clock):傳送時脈訊號。
- SDA (seral data):傳送實際的資料。
I²C 匯流排說明:
Start: SDA訊號由高準位轉低準位並且SCL為高準位時。
Address: 一般都由7或10位元組成,其狀態之後還會標示其位址是寫入或是讀取。
Read/Write Bit (R/W): 由一個位元組成,用來表示此筆資料是讀取或是寫入。
Acknowledge Bit (ACK): 由一個位元組成,用來表示這筆資料是否已經獲得傳送的回應。
Data: 表示這筆訊號中的資料表示,可知道是寫入或是讀取的狀態。
Stop: SDA由低轉高且SCL為高準位時。
I²C 匯流排術語:
- Transmitter: The device which sends data to the bus
- Receiver: The device which receives data from the bus
- Master: The device which initiates a transfer, generates clock signals and terminates a transfer
- Slave: The device addressed by a master
- Multi-master: More than one master can attempt to control the bus at the same time without corrupting the message
- Arbitration: Procedure to ensure that, if more than one master simultaneously tries to control the bus, only one is allowed to do so and the winning message is not corrupted
- Synchronization: Procedure to synchronize the clock signals of two or more devices
ERROR: The content of the adapter has changed but listview did not receive a notification
Error:The content of the adapter has changed but listview did not receive a notification
原因: adapter 的內容更新速度過快, 導致View的速度跟不上
辦法: 加入sleep()
(此為新發現之原因, 尚有多種可能)
原因: adapter 的內容更新速度過快, 導致View的速度跟不上
辦法: 加入sleep()
(此為新發現之原因, 尚有多種可能)
Android Learning
Enable Reg: enable the pin as a function or just a GPIO pin.
Direction Reg: I/O, input or output. (defined by hardware)
Output Reg: Activity, activize utility of the GPIO pin when high or low current. (0 or1)
Input Reg: The reg for input data. (device ==> cpu)
Output: cpu ==> device (ex: led)
Input: device ==> cpu (ex: reset button)
Enable Reg: enable the pin as a function or just a GPIO pin.
Direction Reg: I/O, input or output. (defined by hardware)
Output Reg: Activity, activize utility of the GPIO pin when high or low current. (0 or1)
Input Reg: The reg for input data. (device ==> cpu)
Output: cpu ==> device (ex: led)
Input: device ==> cpu (ex: reset button)
U-Boot Command 架構
int setGpioA(u32 pin, u32 value);
int unknown_GPIO(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) //argc 參數個數
if((strcmp(argv[1], "on") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "ON") == 0))
setGpioA(10, 0);
else if((strcmp(argv[1], "off") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "OFF") == 0))
setGpioA(10, 1);
return 0;
int setGpioA(u32 pin, u32 value)
volatile unsigned int reg = 0x01 << pin;
if(value == 1)
*((volatile unsigned int *)0x74000000) |= reg; //取暫存器位址之值
printf("ndlndsnlk 0x74000000 %X\n" , reg);
*((volatile unsigned int *)0x74000000) &= ~reg;
return 0;
unknown, 2, 4, unknown_GPIO,
"Unknown GPIO \n",
"input on/off \n"
int setGpioA(u32 pin, u32 value);
int unknown_GPIO(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]) //argc 參數個數
if((strcmp(argv[1], "on") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "ON") == 0))
setGpioA(10, 0);
else if((strcmp(argv[1], "off") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "OFF") == 0))
setGpioA(10, 1);
return 0;
int setGpioA(u32 pin, u32 value)
volatile unsigned int reg = 0x01 << pin;
if(value == 1)
*((volatile unsigned int *)0x74000000) |= reg; //取暫存器位址之值
printf("ndlndsnlk 0x74000000 %X\n" , reg);
*((volatile unsigned int *)0x74000000) &= ~reg;
return 0;
unknown, 2, 4, unknown_GPIO,
"Unknown GPIO \n",
"input on/off \n"
Mosquito Killer
The application emit a very unique high frequency sound (ultra sound) that insects dislike. The pitch of the sound is so high that most humans will not notice anything.
* Not all devices support the high frequency sound
Free Download:
My Android Apps
Epic Task Killer
There are many types of task killer apps on the market, but them usually consume high CPU and memory resource by themselves. Epic Task Killer is the new generation of system management technology, it is very efficient and only consume very low CPU and memory resource. If you often feel your phone runs slowly or battery is exhausted soon, you should install Epic Task Killer.
* High efficiency
* very low CPU and memory resource usage
* Speed up your phone
* Save battery
* very low CPU and memory resource usage
* Speed up your phone
* Save battery
* Frequency Option (Free)
* Security Option (Free)
* Ignore list
* Auto-Task killer with 2 levels
* Easy to use
* Epic
* Security Option (Free)
* Ignore list
* Auto-Task killer with 2 levels
* Easy to use
* Epic
Killable: able to be killed by auto-task kill service
UnKillable: unable to be killed by auto-task service
UnKillable: unable to be killed by auto-task service
1. Kill apps:
Select apps and click "Kill Apps" button.
Select apps and click "Kill Apps" button.
2. Auto-Level:
*Middle: for general usage
*High: for game playing or high efficacy app running
*Middle: for general usage
*High: for game playing or high efficacy app running
3. Refresh running apps:
Click "Refresh" button.
Click "Refresh" button.
4. View app information/execute app:
Click a app of the running app list
Click a app of the running app list
My Android Apps
Elegant Torch
This is an original and brightest torch/strobe/flashlight app. Turn phone into a torch. It help find your way in a dark room or the movie theater is that you keep stepping on.
* Brightest
* Simple
* Varied brightness
* Record brightness automatically
* Artistic
* Simple
* Varied brightness
* Record brightness automatically
* Artistic
Free Download:
My Android Apps
Constants: RunningAppProcessInfo.importance
public static final int IMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND
Since: API Level 3
Constant for
: this process process contains background code that is expendable.Constant Value: 400 (0x00000190)
public static final int IMPORTANCE_EMPTY
Since: API Level 3
Constant for
: this process is empty of any actively running code.Constant Value: 500 (0x000001f4)
public static final int IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND
Since: API Level 3
Constant for
: this process is running the foreground UI.Constant Value: 100 (0x00000064)
public static final int IMPORTANCE_PERCEPTIBLE
Since: API Level 9
Constant for
: this process is running something that is considered to be actively perceptible to the user. An example would be an application performing background music playback.Constant Value: 130 (0x00000082)
public static final int IMPORTANCE_SERVICE
Since: API Level 3
Constant for
: this process is contains services that should remain running.Constant Value: 300 (0x0000012c)
public static final int IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE
Since: API Level 3
Constant for
: this process is running something that is actively visible to the user, though not in the immediate foreground.Constant Value: 200 (0x000000c8)
public static final int REASON_PROVIDER_IN_USE
Since: API Level 5
Constant for
: one of the application's content providers is being used by another process. The pid of the client process is in importanceReasonPid
and the target provider in this process is in importanceReasonComponent
.Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
public static final int REASON_SERVICE_IN_USE
Since: API Level 5
Constant for
: one of the application's content providers is being used by another process. The pid of the client process is in importanceReasonPid
and the target provider in this process is in importanceReasonComponent
.Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
public static final int REASON_UNKNOWN
Since: API Level 5
Constant for
: nothing special has been specified for the reason for this level.Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
Android Learning
1. 即開即看、簡單方便
2. 支援地圖縮放,查看更清晰
3. 官網高解析度地圖
4. 即時更新最新站點資訊
5. 路痴必備,趕快下載 (逃)
1. 地圖縮放: 以兩指觸控螢幕,拉近/拉遠兩指距離
2. 移動視點: 地圖放大後,以單指拖曳螢幕
My Android Apps
1. 即開即看、簡單方便
2. 支援地圖縮放,查看更清晰
3. 官網高解析度地圖
4. 即時更新最新站點資訊
5. 路痴必備,趕快下載 (逃)
1. 地圖縮放: 以兩指觸控螢幕,拉近/拉遠兩指距離
2. 移動視點: 地圖放大後,以單指拖曳螢幕
My Android Apps
Secret Drawing Phone
Don’t you wish your boyfriend/girlfriend or someone to look over your phone book? Secret Drawing Phone can finish your wish!
Secret Drawing Phone is a cool phone call app that allow you to have a secret phone book. Through this app, you can create a secret gesture for your secret friend’s phone number, and drawing the gesture on this app’s drawing board to make a phone call to her/him. In additional, you can also set a "Pass-gesture" for your phone book if you need. I bet you will love this app!
Features & Utilities:
* Create, edit, delete gestures for phone numbers
* Set a "Pass-gesture" for the phone book
* Make marks on specific phone numbers
* Elegant
* Secret
* Easy to use
* Elegant
* Secret
* Easy to use
How to use:
1. Enter the secret phone book:
Click the heart-button of the main page, or draw your "Pass-gesture" on main page's drawing board.
2. Add a friend:
Click the create button of phone book page.
Click a friend at phone book page.
4. Make a phone call to someone:
Enter main page, then draw a gesture of someone on drawing board.
Enter main page, then click the menu button of your android phone, choose "Set/Change Pass-
6. Change/Delete Pass-gesture:
Click the Pass-Gesture at phone book page.
Click the Pass-Gesture at phone book page.
Enter main page, then click the menu button of your android phone, choose "Reset Database".
Free Download Secret Drawing Phone:
My Android Apps
Elegant notepad
Elegant notepad is an elegant, efficient and easy way to keep notes on your phone.
With Elegant notepad, you haven’t to write down notes in a paper and carry it around with you forever!
Features & Utilities:
* Create, edit, delete notes
* Search notes by date
* Make marks on specific notes
* Elegant
* Easy to use
* Search notes by date
* Make marks on specific notes
* Elegant
* Easy to use
How to use:
1. Create a new document:
Click "CREATE" button of main page.
2. Read a Document:
Click a document of document list.
3. Edit/Delete a doucument:
Long click a document of document list.
4. Search all documents or search documents by date: Click "MONTH/TOTAL" button of main page.
5. Search all/marked documents:
Click "MARK" button of main page.
6. Reset Database:
Click the menu button of your android phone, choose "Reset Database".
Free Download Elegant notepad:
My Android Apps
Elegant Task Killer
If you often feel your phone runs slowly or battery is exhausted soon, you should install Elegant Task Killer to free memories and manage your phone system's running apps.
There are many types of task killer apps with various utilities on the app market, but them usually consume high CPU and memory resource by themselves. For this reason, we developed Advanced Task Killer+, it is very efficient and only consume very low CPU and memory resource, I bet you will love it.
The main advantages of Elegant Task Killer:
* High efficiency
* very low CPU and memory resource usage
* Speed up your phone
* Save battery
* Frequency Option (Free)
* Security Option (Free)
* Ignore list
* Automatic
* Easy to use
App states:
Killable: able to be killed by auto-task kill service
UnKillable: unable to be killed by auto-task service
* very low CPU and memory resource usage
* Speed up your phone
* Save battery
* Frequency Option (Free)
* Security Option (Free)
* Ignore list
* Automatic
* Easy to use
App states:
Killable: able to be killed by auto-task kill service
UnKillable: unable to be killed by auto-task service
How to use:
Click "Auto-On/Auto-Off" button.
3. Refresh running apps:
Click "Refresh" button.
Click a app of the running app list
Free Download Elegant Task Killer:
My Android Apps
How to Secretly Control Someone's Mind
Warning: what you're about to learn is so POWERFUL, so SINISTER that some may see it as unethical...even evil.
Let me ask you a question, have you ever gone out somewhere and noticed how when two people...who seem to be close friends, always look like they're doing the same things as each other? I mean, like when they're sitting down at a table together for instance, one leans forward with their body...then a few seconds later the other person leans forward too to say something.
This is widely known among people who've studied this type of thing as the unconscious action called "mirroring". The thing is that not many people have taken into account that we mirror the people around us not only on a bodily level, but in mind also. We naturally and subconsciously adopt the attitude and state of the person or people we're talking to.
For proof of this, just remember a time when someone came up to you REALLY pissed off about something. Did it make you mad or did you calm them by bringing them to your state of mind? How about when you met up with someone who was really happy and goofy...didn't you smile, didn't you feel a little bit of their happiness in yourself? This is mental mirroring.
Let's just jump right into how we can use this as a tool since we're both two intelligent people here with a goal in mind.
When two people meet there is a person who's doing the pacing, and one who's doing the leading in a conversation. The leader will be the one giving the pacer things to mirror in conversation...by being more dominant, more outgoing, or simply stronger in mind (which will be our emphasis here) the leader naturally makes the pacer adopt his body language and mental states, attitudes, and if he is powerful enough...even his outlook on reality.
Effectively but unknowingly he is deploying mind control over people who are of lesser will than him.
Keeping a calm state of mind makes people more amiable to your suggestion because it makes him less likely to question you...much like a hypnotist putting his subject into a trance. Visualizing a bubble around you and your client, friend (victim?), also increases the likelihood that they will only hear you. Blocking out all distractions in your mind except for the person you're interacting with makes them do the same.
How we can make this even more covert is if we gradually go from one state to another. Nothing is more weird than a person who looks and acts one way than split shifts to another mood instantly...it's unstable, hard to follow, and generally not that charming. Gradual movement, from neutral feelings, to comfort, to happiness, to love is seductive...entrancing, and enthralling to those around us.
Let me ask you a question, have you ever gone out somewhere and noticed how when two people...who seem to be close friends, always look like they're doing the same things as each other? I mean, like when they're sitting down at a table together for instance, one leans forward with their body...then a few seconds later the other person leans forward too to say something.
This is widely known among people who've studied this type of thing as the unconscious action called "mirroring". The thing is that not many people have taken into account that we mirror the people around us not only on a bodily level, but in mind also. We naturally and subconsciously adopt the attitude and state of the person or people we're talking to.
For proof of this, just remember a time when someone came up to you REALLY pissed off about something. Did it make you mad or did you calm them by bringing them to your state of mind? How about when you met up with someone who was really happy and goofy...didn't you smile, didn't you feel a little bit of their happiness in yourself? This is mental mirroring.
Let's just jump right into how we can use this as a tool since we're both two intelligent people here with a goal in mind.
When two people meet there is a person who's doing the pacing, and one who's doing the leading in a conversation. The leader will be the one giving the pacer things to mirror in conversation...by being more dominant, more outgoing, or simply stronger in mind (which will be our emphasis here) the leader naturally makes the pacer adopt his body language and mental states, attitudes, and if he is powerful enough...even his outlook on reality.
Effectively but unknowingly he is deploying mind control over people who are of lesser will than him.
Keeping a calm state of mind makes people more amiable to your suggestion because it makes him less likely to question you...much like a hypnotist putting his subject into a trance. Visualizing a bubble around you and your client, friend (victim?), also increases the likelihood that they will only hear you. Blocking out all distractions in your mind except for the person you're interacting with makes them do the same.
How we can make this even more covert is if we gradually go from one state to another. Nothing is more weird than a person who looks and acts one way than split shifts to another mood instantly...it's unstable, hard to follow, and generally not that charming. Gradual movement, from neutral feelings, to comfort, to happiness, to love is seductive...entrancing, and enthralling to those around us.
Is this interesting to you at all? This is just the tip of the iceberg in dealing with people, using your mind to bring you more friends, happiness, and power. You should seriously check out my free Ebook Charisma 101: The Beginner's Guide to Popularity CLICK HERE now to get your free copy now while they're still free for the limited time of this market study.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_J_Neal
"Twilight" Book Review
Twilight is a wonderfully imaginative and believable fiction novel written by author Stephenie Meyer. Bella, a teenage girl hailing from Phoenix, makes the decision to leave her beloved home town and all of her friends. She heroically sacrifices her happiness for that of her mother, because her new and adored step-father Phil, is a professional baseball player. She moves to a town called Forks, on the dreary Olympic Peninsula to live with her father, Charlie, so that her mother can be free to travel with her new husband Phil.
The town of Forks is where the story truly begins. As it unfolds, we find Bella being highly agitated, annoyed and frustrated , but also extremely attracted and curious about the mysterious Edward Cullen, who attends her new high school. There is something strangely curious about Edward and his four other siblings. They are all remarkably beautiful. They always sit alone in the cafeteria, and never eat or drink anything. His hands are so cold, and his eyes dramatically change color.
Edward warns Bella that it is not safe for her to be around him, but does not heed his own warning. Edward realizes that the intensity of their passion could drive him over the edge and put Bella's life in danger. He lusts for her blood because he is a vampire! They share an irresistible attraction for each other, and cannot keep apart from each other, despite the danger. It is through this dangerously necessary relationship that Bella and Edward fall in love. She learns Edwards family guarded secret. They are all vampires! Despite the blood-lust that Bella arouses, she is safe with Edward and his family not only because of Edwards love for her, but because the family patriarch has sworn the family to renounce human prey.
Edward and his family become entwined in a desperate struggle to protect and preserve the life of the fragile human Bella, when a group of rogue tracker vampires fixate on her. They will do anything to taste her blood, and will stop at nothing until they have her.
Will Edward and the members of his family be able to control the instinct aroused within them? Will they be able to save Bella from the rogues?
This novel is highly suggested with a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. If you enjoy reading Harry Potter, you will enjoy the imaginative brilliance of Stephenie Meyers' Twilight . It is a fantastic read that is hard to put down once you start!
The town of Forks is where the story truly begins. As it unfolds, we find Bella being highly agitated, annoyed and frustrated , but also extremely attracted and curious about the mysterious Edward Cullen, who attends her new high school. There is something strangely curious about Edward and his four other siblings. They are all remarkably beautiful. They always sit alone in the cafeteria, and never eat or drink anything. His hands are so cold, and his eyes dramatically change color.
Edward warns Bella that it is not safe for her to be around him, but does not heed his own warning. Edward realizes that the intensity of their passion could drive him over the edge and put Bella's life in danger. He lusts for her blood because he is a vampire! They share an irresistible attraction for each other, and cannot keep apart from each other, despite the danger. It is through this dangerously necessary relationship that Bella and Edward fall in love. She learns Edwards family guarded secret. They are all vampires! Despite the blood-lust that Bella arouses, she is safe with Edward and his family not only because of Edwards love for her, but because the family patriarch has sworn the family to renounce human prey.
Edward and his family become entwined in a desperate struggle to protect and preserve the life of the fragile human Bella, when a group of rogue tracker vampires fixate on her. They will do anything to taste her blood, and will stop at nothing until they have her.
Will Edward and the members of his family be able to control the instinct aroused within them? Will they be able to save Bella from the rogues?
This novel is highly suggested with a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. If you enjoy reading Harry Potter, you will enjoy the imaginative brilliance of Stephenie Meyers' Twilight . It is a fantastic read that is hard to put down once you start!
By: Lily Andrews
To Get You Copy Of "Twilight", please visit:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lily_Andrews To Get You Copy Of "Twilight", please visit:
Taiwan Personals - The Greatest Manual for Finding Singles in Taiwan
Are you currently single? Are you looking for somebody just like you or may be someone who shares your interests? If you're living in Taiwan, you then don't need to look too much. There are many Taiwan dating sites that can assist you find not just somebody you'd prefer to date but additionally many who you could be buddies with.
There are lots of singles in Taiwan like you in search of the partner or a friend. You are able to meet these individuals on online dating web sites and you are able to discover precisely the kind of person you have always needed. Dating in Taiwan is amazing and out of the world. Taiwan is really a beautiful country and the people there are known globally for their fantastic looks. It's thus, no wonder why people are extremely much interested in singles in Taiwan.
You will find particular things although that you should know or adopt or learn prior to heading for dating in Taiwan. You need to know how to impress. Learning their language and culture will take you places in dating in Taiwan. Preparation is a must. You need to be interactive and not come across as a dull individual. But again, you should not maintain chattering absent non-stop both. Just a little friendly humor in your chat could be just right. 1 much more thing to keep in thoughts would be to make the other individual really feel comfortable. If it is a Taiwan lady that you're searching for particularly, this really is extremely essential. Remember that you can only make her really feel comfortable when you are comfortable initial.
So, in the event you truly are interested you then don't really have to fly down towards the nation to discover singles in Taiwan. The computer and also the web would be the crucial. The web has helped us out amazingly in nearly every aspect of our existence and it has pretty a lot become an integral component of our living. Then, why not get its aid to search for somebody we may actually wind up falling in love with? For dating in Taiwan, there are lots of Taiwan chat rooms and there are also many Taiwan personals that you could skim through. Do not allow language be the barrier. Learn it - learn the basics a minimum of. There are lots of ways, again on the web that are simple and can teach you Taiwanese effortlessly. Language exchange can also be a fantastic choice. You educate them your language and they educate you theirs. In that way, you interact, you discover and you've fun as well!
In the event you take the initiative and acquire curiosity in their language, it'll quite clearly please them - this is another method to impress. Enthusiasm requires you a long way! If this does not function out, you can always get assist from your Google Translator. Simple! If you really are severe, then you must start searching for Taiwan personals. You will find numerous advertisements about dating in Taiwan and you are able to choose according to your convenience. You could join a particular dating in Taiwan website. It is simple. There's no gender, race, community, and nation bar. You can register for free and go via profiles of different singles in Taiwan and therefore, choose who you'd wish to get to know up and personal.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/art-and-entertainment-articles/taiwan-personals-the-greatest-manual-for-finding-singles-in-taiwan-4130628.html#ixzz1bIoLkbAy
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
There are lots of singles in Taiwan like you in search of the partner or a friend. You are able to meet these individuals on online dating web sites and you are able to discover precisely the kind of person you have always needed. Dating in Taiwan is amazing and out of the world. Taiwan is really a beautiful country and the people there are known globally for their fantastic looks. It's thus, no wonder why people are extremely much interested in singles in Taiwan.
You will find particular things although that you should know or adopt or learn prior to heading for dating in Taiwan. You need to know how to impress. Learning their language and culture will take you places in dating in Taiwan. Preparation is a must. You need to be interactive and not come across as a dull individual. But again, you should not maintain chattering absent non-stop both. Just a little friendly humor in your chat could be just right. 1 much more thing to keep in thoughts would be to make the other individual really feel comfortable. If it is a Taiwan lady that you're searching for particularly, this really is extremely essential. Remember that you can only make her really feel comfortable when you are comfortable initial.
So, in the event you truly are interested you then don't really have to fly down towards the nation to discover singles in Taiwan. The computer and also the web would be the crucial. The web has helped us out amazingly in nearly every aspect of our existence and it has pretty a lot become an integral component of our living. Then, why not get its aid to search for somebody we may actually wind up falling in love with? For dating in Taiwan, there are lots of Taiwan chat rooms and there are also many Taiwan personals that you could skim through. Do not allow language be the barrier. Learn it - learn the basics a minimum of. There are lots of ways, again on the web that are simple and can teach you Taiwanese effortlessly. Language exchange can also be a fantastic choice. You educate them your language and they educate you theirs. In that way, you interact, you discover and you've fun as well!
In the event you take the initiative and acquire curiosity in their language, it'll quite clearly please them - this is another method to impress. Enthusiasm requires you a long way! If this does not function out, you can always get assist from your Google Translator. Simple! If you really are severe, then you must start searching for Taiwan personals. You will find numerous advertisements about dating in Taiwan and you are able to choose according to your convenience. You could join a particular dating in Taiwan website. It is simple. There's no gender, race, community, and nation bar. You can register for free and go via profiles of different singles in Taiwan and therefore, choose who you'd wish to get to know up and personal.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/art-and-entertainment-articles/taiwan-personals-the-greatest-manual-for-finding-singles-in-taiwan-4130628.html#ixzz1bIoLkbAy
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Become An App Developer And Make Money
An app stands for application and is a piece of software that is designed to run on a mobile platform. There are two primary platforms for app development that currently have a high earning potential. These are Apple's iOS and Google's Android. As of June 2011 Apple iOS hosts over 511,000 published apps with Google Android hosting over 206,000 published apps. Other platforms for app development include the Blackberry OS by research in Motion (RIM) and Windows Mobile by Microsoft. However, these platforms are lagging behind the two main rivals.
The two types of apps you will see in most app stores are FREE apps and PAID apps. Many apps available for download come free of charge which raises the obvious question of how do I make money if my app is free? There are two main streams of income for offering your apps free of charge. The first is advertising which relies on targeted ads such as Google AdSense or affiliate links which are inserted into the apps content. No one wants to have ads cluttering the content so it is important to place them in an area that will be noticed, but not so much so that they get in the way. Another option is to offer your app for free but withhold certain features or functions which would appeal to the user and entice them to consider purchasing the full version. If going down this route it is important not to put all your eggs into one basket so to speak. If you offer too much in the free version users will have no need to purchase. Although there is no rule to say you can not use both options at the same time. If you wish to charge outright for your app make sure you set a reasonable price that is realistic. Charge too much and you price yourself out of the market. Charge too little and you run the risk of devaluing your app.
Do I have to be a qualified developer to make apps? Well, this is not entirely the case as Google have launched App Inventor which allows almost anyone to create an Andoid app with little to no programming knowledge. It is great for making things such as basic games however, there are many limitations to what you can actually accomplish using this software. In order to create something a little more complex some experience of coding is needed.
What resources do I require in order to learn how to create app? There are literally thousands of books, ebooks, YouTube videos and online articles that teach and share information on this topic. Many Colleges and University courses cover the subject in detail but you do not necessarily need to go down the formal route to be a successful developer.
What is involved in developing an app? First of all you have the front end which is all the visual and audio elements such as images, movies, buttons, text, sounds and music. This is what users will see when the app is running.
Why not just hire someone else to create an app for me? If you have brainstormed and have an idea with a plausible gap in the market then this is also an option. Many freelance design and developers advertise their services online but bare in mind that paying someone else to design and develop an app is never going to be cheap so be prepared to invest in order to gain results.
How to I test my app before publishing? Take the time to go and review the back-end coding and test the front end functions. One of the best way to do this is to release a beta copy. You will want to ensure your app is working correctly and operational with all known glitches and errors corrected before general release. This brings me to the next step of getting your app vetted for approval. There is nearly always a criteria set for approval and rejection for apps submitted. The vetting rules and guidelines vary depending on the platform.
Is my app useful and does it fulfill a need or purpose? This is a key question to ask because if users see no benefit purchasing and downloading your app then nine times out of ten they simply won't bother. It is equally crucial for your app to look attractive and desirable otherwise users will become quickly put off and lose interest. Then you have the back-end which involves all the coding and functionality. Make sure the code is clean, concise and above all else WORKS.
How do I market my app? Most platforms handle a lot of the marketing side for you but it is important to get your keywords and description right as his can make or break your apps success.
What coding language are apps written in? Android, Blackberry OS, Windows Mobile and other platforms such as Bada and Symbian are primarily written in JAVA code. C++ is commonly used for Apple's iOS. It is important to remember that Apple's iOS does not support Flash. One constraint to developing apps for iOS is the fact the developer must own a MAC to do so unlike most other platforms.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/cell-phones-articles/become-an-app-developer-and-make-money-4961796.html#ixzz1bHmodPkA
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
The two types of apps you will see in most app stores are FREE apps and PAID apps. Many apps available for download come free of charge which raises the obvious question of how do I make money if my app is free? There are two main streams of income for offering your apps free of charge. The first is advertising which relies on targeted ads such as Google AdSense or affiliate links which are inserted into the apps content. No one wants to have ads cluttering the content so it is important to place them in an area that will be noticed, but not so much so that they get in the way. Another option is to offer your app for free but withhold certain features or functions which would appeal to the user and entice them to consider purchasing the full version. If going down this route it is important not to put all your eggs into one basket so to speak. If you offer too much in the free version users will have no need to purchase. Although there is no rule to say you can not use both options at the same time. If you wish to charge outright for your app make sure you set a reasonable price that is realistic. Charge too much and you price yourself out of the market. Charge too little and you run the risk of devaluing your app.
Do I have to be a qualified developer to make apps? Well, this is not entirely the case as Google have launched App Inventor which allows almost anyone to create an Andoid app with little to no programming knowledge. It is great for making things such as basic games however, there are many limitations to what you can actually accomplish using this software. In order to create something a little more complex some experience of coding is needed.
What resources do I require in order to learn how to create app? There are literally thousands of books, ebooks, YouTube videos and online articles that teach and share information on this topic. Many Colleges and University courses cover the subject in detail but you do not necessarily need to go down the formal route to be a successful developer.
What is involved in developing an app? First of all you have the front end which is all the visual and audio elements such as images, movies, buttons, text, sounds and music. This is what users will see when the app is running.
Why not just hire someone else to create an app for me? If you have brainstormed and have an idea with a plausible gap in the market then this is also an option. Many freelance design and developers advertise their services online but bare in mind that paying someone else to design and develop an app is never going to be cheap so be prepared to invest in order to gain results.
How to I test my app before publishing? Take the time to go and review the back-end coding and test the front end functions. One of the best way to do this is to release a beta copy. You will want to ensure your app is working correctly and operational with all known glitches and errors corrected before general release. This brings me to the next step of getting your app vetted for approval. There is nearly always a criteria set for approval and rejection for apps submitted. The vetting rules and guidelines vary depending on the platform.
Is my app useful and does it fulfill a need or purpose? This is a key question to ask because if users see no benefit purchasing and downloading your app then nine times out of ten they simply won't bother. It is equally crucial for your app to look attractive and desirable otherwise users will become quickly put off and lose interest. Then you have the back-end which involves all the coding and functionality. Make sure the code is clean, concise and above all else WORKS.
How do I market my app? Most platforms handle a lot of the marketing side for you but it is important to get your keywords and description right as his can make or break your apps success.
What coding language are apps written in? Android, Blackberry OS, Windows Mobile and other platforms such as Bada and Symbian are primarily written in JAVA code. C++ is commonly used for Apple's iOS. It is important to remember that Apple's iOS does not support Flash. One constraint to developing apps for iOS is the fact the developer must own a MAC to do so unlike most other platforms.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/cell-phones-articles/become-an-app-developer-and-make-money-4961796.html#ixzz1bHmodPkA
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives
Mobile Apps - Why Is Android Mobile Application Development Becoming Very Popular
The world of mobile applications has just started evolving and we are already witnessing stiff competition, especially between Google which is the leader of the group that has launched Android) and Apple Inc, which is the manufacturer of iPhone, iPad and iPod. Apple got the advantage of launching its smart phone earlier than Google, but on the other hand Google is said to be the undisputed leader among the search engines.
The Android applications can add a number of features to your mobile phone and convert it to a smart phone. Some of the factors that prompt the popularity of the Android applications are as follows.
•The Software development kit (SDK) for Android application development is designed and made available through Google. There is a wide variety of tools in the SDK. The SDK includes the operating systems, middleware and APIs that are needed to start developing the Android application.
•Android is an open source platform so the costs of designing the Android app are drastically reduced. Moreover if you are stuck anywhere when designing the application, there is a big community of Android followers to resolve your issue.
•There are many core applications inside the SDK. This makes the task of the Android app developer quite easy. The SDK includes a handset emulator, tools for debugging, several utility functions, several business functions and other features too. This facilitates the application developer with a wide array of alternatives. It is the SDK that provides the platform for developing an application that offers better experience for the end-user.
•The SDK is so advanced that the application developer has greater control over the features to be incorporated into the final Android application.
•The open source platform allows the application developer to easily distribute the completed application. Once completed, the finished application is sure to be very user friendly.
•When developing the Android mobile application, the designer is facilitated with P2P communication with the assistance of Google Talk. The designer can store the data with the help of SQLite.
•The designer with the help of Android app development kit can publish an application and export it to be used by others too.
•The Android app can be integrated with GPS, touch screen and video camera.
•The SDK is equipped with quite a big library with books about GPS, Touch screen, and video camera.
•The SDK enjoys the support of WiFi support as well as the Bluetooth and has a library of a number of 2D and 3D supporters.
•With the Android SDK you can develop customized Android apps for sale or free distribution to particular clients or the public in general.
•The Android application development facilitates the application developer, the business and the final user too.
Copyright © 2011
The Android applications can add a number of features to your mobile phone and convert it to a smart phone. Some of the factors that prompt the popularity of the Android applications are as follows.
•The Software development kit (SDK) for Android application development is designed and made available through Google. There is a wide variety of tools in the SDK. The SDK includes the operating systems, middleware and APIs that are needed to start developing the Android application.
•Android is an open source platform so the costs of designing the Android app are drastically reduced. Moreover if you are stuck anywhere when designing the application, there is a big community of Android followers to resolve your issue.
•There are many core applications inside the SDK. This makes the task of the Android app developer quite easy. The SDK includes a handset emulator, tools for debugging, several utility functions, several business functions and other features too. This facilitates the application developer with a wide array of alternatives. It is the SDK that provides the platform for developing an application that offers better experience for the end-user.
•The SDK is so advanced that the application developer has greater control over the features to be incorporated into the final Android application.
•The open source platform allows the application developer to easily distribute the completed application. Once completed, the finished application is sure to be very user friendly.
•When developing the Android mobile application, the designer is facilitated with P2P communication with the assistance of Google Talk. The designer can store the data with the help of SQLite.
•The designer with the help of Android app development kit can publish an application and export it to be used by others too.
•The Android app can be integrated with GPS, touch screen and video camera.
•The SDK is equipped with quite a big library with books about GPS, Touch screen, and video camera.
•The SDK enjoys the support of WiFi support as well as the Bluetooth and has a library of a number of 2D and 3D supporters.
•With the Android SDK you can develop customized Android apps for sale or free distribution to particular clients or the public in general.
•The Android application development facilitates the application developer, the business and the final user too.
Copyright © 2011
Spinx, a Professional Android Application Development company, is expert at Mobile Applications Development including Android App, iPhone App and Blackberry Apps Development services.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_L_Smith
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